Minnesota Vaccine Timeline: Seniors now, all Minnesotans this summer
Minnesotans who can get vaccines now
- aged 65 or older
- Health care workers at health care facilities in Minnesota
- Long-term care residents and staff members at long-term care facilities in Minnesota
- Pre-kindergarten through Adult Basic and Community Education school staff members, or contracted school staff members, at schools in Minnesota
- Child care staff members at licensed and certified child care centers or programs in Minnesota
Minnesotans who can get the vaccine in the next couple of months
In April people with specific high-risk health conditions such as:
Sickle cell disease, Down syndrome, those in active cancer treatment or immunocompromised from an organ transplant, oxygen-dependent chronic lung and heart conditions.
- Targeted essential workers
- Food processing plants
- People 45-64 with one or more high-risk medical conditions
- People 16-44 with two or more high-risk medical conditions
- Essential frontline workers
Agricultural, additional child care workers not previously eligible, correctional settings, first
responders, food production, food retail, food service, manufacturing, public transit, US
- Postal Service workers
People 50+ in multi-generational housing
16+ with any underlying medical condition*Age 50-64 (regardless of health condition)
All other essential workforces
Transportation and logistics, finance, housing/shelter construction, IT/communications, energy, media, legal, public safety, water, and wastewater
By this summer, every Minnesotan who wants a shot will be able to get one!
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