Minnesota Department of Health
June 5, 2020
Today, Governor Walz announced Phase III of the Stay Safe MN plan beginning June 10. Customers and employees will be either strongly recommended or required to wear masks and will be required to adhere to appropriate social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Occupancy rates will be limited based on risk, with an overall occupancy maximum of 250 people.
Baaritaan dadka Ka Qaybgalay Mudaharaadyada, tacsida, ama Dhacdooyinka la isugu imaanayo. Bad qabka MN. Isbaar hadaad kaqayb gashay maalmihii lasoo dhaafay, mudaharaadaddii socday iyo goobihii la isugu imaanayey. Meelaha la iska baarayo oo kuugu dhow link-ga hoos ka fiiri.
Testing for People Attending Protests, Vigils, or Events
Get tested. Stay Safe MN
Starting June 10:
- Indoor social gatherings can take place with 10 people or less; outdoor social gatherings can take place with 25 people or less.
- Restaurants can begin offering indoor dining at no more than 50% capacity while maintaining social distancing and requiring reservations.
- Personal services, such as salons, tattoo parlors, and barbershops, may increase occupancy rates to 50% while requiring reservations.
- Places of worship can increase occupancy rates to 50%.
- Gyms, personal fitness and yoga studios, and martial arts can open at 25% capacity.
- Indoor entertainment venues, such as theaters and concert halls, can open at 25% capacity.
- Recreational indoor entertainment venues, such as bowling alleys, arcades, and museums can open at 25% capacity.
- Outdoor entertainment venues, such as sporting events, concerts, and theaters can open at 25% capacity.
For more details, visit Minnesota’s Stay Safe Plan or DEED: Safely Returning to Work.
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