Can you get vaccinated for COVID-19? Find out!


Gov. Walz New Effort Toward The COVID-19 Vaccine

The gap between the number of vaccines available and the number of people that need them cannot go unnoticed. Minnesota patiently waits to get vaccines for everyone who needs it but has started a pilot program where vaccines are administered to adults above the age of 65, child care workers, and all kindergarten to high school level educators. This pilot program has now been in progress in 9 cities across Minnesota: Anoka, Brooklyn Center, Fergus Falls, Marshall, Mountain Iron, North Mankato, Rochester, St. Cloud, Thief River Falls. Since this program has been lifted off its feet, 13,300 Minnesotans have been vaccinated. Gov. Walz wants to push the effort to prepare Minnesota to be able to handle when more vaccines come in.


  • Adults 65 years of age and older will have an extended 24-hour window to pre-register for a randomized opportunity to be selected for appointments at COVID-19 community vaccination clinics
  • Pilot clinics in Blaine and Brooklyn Center will serve only adults 65 years of age and older this week
  • Xcel Energy Center to host clinic for COVID-19 vaccination event for 15,000 educators, school staff, and child care providers in metro


Updated Registration Process For Adults 65 Years of Age and Older: 

Adults 65 and older will now have a 24-hour window of time beginning at 5:00 am Tuesday to pre-register to be randomly selected for an appointment. This means you will be randomly selected, it is not a first come first serve system. It is best to pre-register at The website will be open for pre-registering from 5:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 26 until 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 27. You cannot sign up more than once or transfer your spot to someone else. You may also call 833-431-2053 to sign up. The call center will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26. If you are randomly selected to receive a vaccine this week, you will be contacted on Wednesday, January 27 by text, email, or phone and will be notified of how to complete your appointment. You will be contacted twice however, you should try to pick up or respond as soon as possible. Only 8,000 doses will be available, so please try to be patient and understanding during such a crucial time. 

Mass Vaccination Pilot Event for Educators, School Staff, and Child Care Providers:

Minnesota has created a mass vaccination pilot event for metro area educators, school staff, and child care providers at the Xcel Energy Center this week. 15,000 Moderna vaccine doses will be administered Thursday, January 28 through Monday, February 1 for this event. There is no walk-in appointments. School districts, charter schools, tribal schools, and nonpublic schools will work directly with employees to make an appointment. Child care programs are randomly selected and will be notified if vaccines are available. Metro area educators, school staff, and child care providers who received their first dose at the Brooklyn Center clinic will return to that clinic for their second dose. The Andover clinic has been moved to Blaine. Those who received their first dose at the Andover clinic will receive a notification that they will now receive their second dose at the new clinic in Blaine.


Updates to Pilot Clinic Locations:

The pilot clinic operating in Andover last week is relocating to Blaine this week. The pilot clinics operating this week are located in Blaine, Brooklyn Center, Fergus Falls, Mountain Iron, Thief River Falls, Sartell, North Mankato, Rochester, Marshall, and St. Paul.

The two pilot clinics in Blaine and Brooklyn Center will serve only adults 65 years of age and older and the new pop-up clinic at Xcel Energy Center will serve only educators, school staff, and child care providers from the Twin Cities metro.


Find My Vaccine 

To pre-register for a vaccine click the following link: or call the call center at 833-431-2053


Frequently Asked Questions: 

For all frequently asked questions about your appointment and the vaccine please click the following link:

IANA oo kaashaneysa Waaxda Caafimaadka Minnesota (MDH), waxay ogeysiinaysaa dhammaan Soomaalida ku nool gobolka Minnesota in maanta uu mar kale bilawday toddobaadkii 2-aad ee dadka qaadanaya talaalka COVID-19.

Yaa Talaalka Qaadanaya?

Sida la shaaciyay todobaadkii hore, waxaa talaalka qaadanaya oo ballan qabsan kara dadka ku jira kooxaha soo socda:

Jira 65 sano ama ka weyn

Macalimiinta Dugsiyada Hoose, dhexe iyo sarae (K-12)

Hawl-wadeenada Xanaanada Caruurta (Childcare)

XASUUSIN: Haddii aad tahay macalin ama aad ka shaqeyso xarun caruurta lagu xanaaneeyo, fadlan ha isku dayin inaad sameysato ballan ka hor, inta aysan ku ogeysiin goobta shaqada in aad kamid tahay dadka qaadanaya talaalka.


Todobaadkan Maxaa Is Baddelay?

Todobaadkan waxaa soo kordhay in la adeegsanayo nidaam xulasho oo aanan kala sooc lahayen marka aad dooneyso inaad ballan ka sameysato goobaha talaalka COVID-19.

Haddii aad ku jirtay liiska sugitaanka todobaadkii hore, waxaa si toos ah lagaaga diiwaan-gelinayaa nidaamka xulshada ee todobaadkan, umana baahnid inaad mar labaad is diiwaangeliso. 

Dadka ku nool Minnesota ee jira 65 sano ama ka weyn ayaa imminka sameysan kara is-diiwaangelinta hore si ay fursad ugu helaan qabsashada ballanta talaalka COVID-19.

Diiwaan-gelinta hore (pre-registration) kuma xirna waqtiga aad ballanta sameysatay, balse qofka kasta oo ku jira liiska is-diiwaangelinta hore waqtiga nidaamka xulshada aan kala sooca lahayn, waxa uu fursad u heli doonaa in uu kamid noqdo dadka ballanta qabsanaya.

Haddii aad doorbideyso in aad talaalka ka qaadato xarunta ku siisa daryeelka caafimaad ee caadiga ah, uma baahnid inaad la xiriirto iyaga xiligaan.



Gobolku waxa uu ka codsanayaa shacabka Minnesota iney dulqaataan maadaama shixnadaha talaalka ee gobolka soo gaaray ay kooban yihiin. Waxaa dowladda Federaalka laga rajeynayaa iney kordhiso talaalka bilaha soo socda, kadibna ay kordhaan fursadaha ay dadka reer Minnesota heli karaan si ay isku talaalaan.

Ma ka qeyb qaadan karaa is-diiwaangelinta hore

Si fursad loogu helo inta badan bulshooyinka ku nool gobolka ayaa loo sameeyay is-diiwaangelinta hore iyo xulshada gaarka ah ee aan kala sooca laheyn.

Waxaad is-diiwaangelinta hore ka sameyn kartaa khadka tooska ah (online) ama taleefan waqi walba inta lagu gudo jiro saacadaha soo socda si aad u hesho fursad aad uga qeyb gasho xulshada aan kala sooca laheyn ee balanta talaalka COVID-19.

Saacadaha Is-Diiwaangelinta Hore (Pre-registration)

Khadka Tooska ah (Online):

Khadka tooska (online) waxa uu diyaar yahay 24 saacadood oo ka bilaabanaysa Talaado, Janaayo 26, 5:00 a.m. (aroortii). Mudada waqtigaan lagu jiro, waxa aad fursad u helaysaa inaad ka qeyb-gasho is-diiwaangelinta hore si aad uga qeyb-gasho xulshada aana kala sooca laheyn, kadibna aad sameysato ballanta talaalka COVID-19.

Maadaama baahida ballanta talaalku ay aad u weyn tahay, waxaa lagu dhiirigelinayaa dadka ku nool Minnesota iney ballanta ka sameystaan khadka tooska ah (online).

Taleefanka: Wac taleefanka bilaashka ah (toll free) 833-431-2053. Xarunta wicitaanka waxay furnaan doontaa Talaado, Janaayo 26, laga bilaabo 9:00 subaxnimo ilaa 7:00 fiidnimo si aad uga qeybgasho xulashada aan kala sooca laheyn ee ballanta.

Hadii aad rabtid in lagaa caawiyo sidii aad balan u samaysan lahayd wac khadka tooska ah ee IANA ugu tala gashay caawinta arimaha la xiriira Covid-19 612-254-7757 Isniin ilaa Jicme 9:00 AM-5:00 PM


Waxaa jirta baahi weyn oo ku aaddan qaadashada talaalka gobolka Minnesota, sidaas aawadeed wicitaanka ayaa aad u badan, waxaa lagu dhiiri-gelinayaa dadka iney adeegsadaan is-diiwaangelinta khadka tooska ah (online registration).

Haddii taleefanka xarunta wicitaanka uu yahay mashquul, fadlan wac mar kale.

Qaabkee ku ogaanayaa haddii la ii xushay inaan ballan sameysto

Haddii lagu xushay oo la rabo inaad sameysato ballan aad ku qaadato dooska -aad ee talaalka COVID-19, waxaa lagula socodsiin doonaa Arbacada 27-ka Janaayo, e-mail ahaan, fariin ahaan, ama taleefanka si laguugu wargeliyo si loo dhameystiro ballantaada.

Haddii laguu xushay in aad sameysato ballan, waxaad awood u leedahay inaad ballan ka sameysato mid kamida 9-ka goobood ee loo qorsheeyay bixinta talaalka waqtigaan oo ku kala yaalla magaalooyinka:

  • Blaine
  • Brooklyn Center
  • Fergus Falls
  • Marshall
  • Mountain Iron
  • North Mankato
  • Rochester
  • St. Cloud
  • Thief River Falls.


FIIRO-GAAR AH: Goobtii Talaalka ee Andover todobaadkii hore waxaa loo soo wareejiyay Blaine todobaadkan.

Haddii aad doorato in lagu soo waco, si ballanta aad u sameysato, fadlan hubi inaad ka jawaabto taleefankaaga. Hawl-wadeenada ballanta ku sameynaya waxay sameyn doonaan labo isku day oo kaliya si ay kuula soo xiriiraan. Haddii aadan isticmaali karin ballantaada, qof kale oo kamida liiska is-diiwaangelinta hore ayaa si aan kala sooc lahayn loogu dooran doonaa ballantaas.


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